Types of Braces

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are the transparent, simple way to straighten your teeth without using traditional braces. They are custom-made, removable and virtually invisible, allowing you to show off your outstanding smile throughout your treatment!

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces appear translucent against the teeth. They are most popular with adult patients, due to their cosmetic appeal. The minimal drawbacks to ceramic brackets are that they are more fragile and discolouration of elastic ties between orthodontic visits may be more apparent. Ceramic braces are typically used on the upper arch only.

Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most common type and traditionally are viewed as the "workhorse" of orthodontics. They are made of high-grade stainless steel. Today's metal braces are smaller, more comfortable, have a lower profile and thus are more attractive.  Elastic ties come in many colors and are changed at each appointment.

Natural Tooth Coloured Wires

The introduction of aesthetically pleasing orthodontic archwires have provided the next leap forward in traditional "braces and wires" orthodontics. The wires complement clear brackets and provide enhanced aesthetics.