To help keep you informed of our office routines and policies we have prepared the following information. The following is the typical sequence necessary for initiation of orthodontic treatment.


A visual examination is conducted and a general explanation is given concerning conditions present, the various options regarding treatment, the expected treatment time, and an estimation of the treatment fee. There may be a small fee associated with the exam and any x-rays that may be required.


Before any treatment can be started it is necessary to obtain certain x-rays, 3D study models, and photographs. These enable the orthodontist to predict the stage of growth in children, see in what direction growth has occurred in adults, evaluate space available to correct the problem, assess for any compensations present, measure the relationship between the upper and lower jaws, evaluate the bone structure, roots of teeth, jaw joints, and the effect of muscle function.

FEE: The fee for this service typically ranges from $100 - $500 depending on the records that are required. In most cases, these records are taken in our office on the day of treatment commencement; however, in instances where more detailed imaging is required (e.g. 3D localization of impacted teeth/TMJ issues/pathology assessment, etc.), you may be referred to an imaging center for more advanced imaging modalities.


This appointment is scheduled if it is felt that a more thorough explanation is required, a multidisciplinary approach involving additional dental specialists is necessary, or if more time is needed for questions and answers. A detailed evaluation will be presented including the most appropriate treatment options and sequence. Details of the treatment time and fee will also be given.


Once a decision to start treatment has been made, the choices for financial arrangements are discussed so that a mutually acceptable payment schedule can be formulated.

We offer:

  • flexible no interest payment plans

  • discounts for accounts pre-paid in full

  • family member discounts

  • no charge additional exams for immediate family members


This is likely to be the longest appointment of the orthodontic process as we place the orthodontic brackets or Invisalign attachments at a precise location on each individual tooth. Comprehensive orthodontic records are usually captured at the beginning of this appointment for the vast majority of patients. Initial treatment mechanics are set up to initiate tooth movement in the appropriate direction. An explanation of the new oral hygiene techniques, diet restrictions, and management of discomfort or emergencies are reviewed as part of the education process.